"How destinations can adapt their offer for low-budget responsible travelers"
on 16th January 2024, at 2 PM CET
"Enabling inclusive tourism: A focus on policy implementation"
on 30th January 2024, at 2 PM CET.
"Strategies for destinations and businesses to attract sustainability-conscious travelers"
on 12th March at 2 PM CET
“Основи на устойчивото пътуване, примери и практики от различни ,,зелени" обекти и дестинации“
“Održivi turizam u ruralnom podrućju Zadarske županije“
“Impatto Sociale e Equilibrio Vita Lavoro- Il Contributo del Turismo Sostenibile“
“Guide me Green: Rendre le tourisme durable accessible au plus grand nombre“
“Accesibilidad universal en espacios culturales“
“Guide me Green: German Webinar “